Formed in 1996, U.S. Premium Beef LLC (USPB) is a marketing company which provides U.S. beef producers an opportunity to retain ownership of the beef they produce, from ranch to retail. USPB is owned by beef producers who produce high quality cattle that will go into value-added beef products which are designed to meet consumer demand.
U.S. Premium Beef unitholders and associates market finished beef cattle through National Beef Packing Co., LLC, one of the nation’s largest beef processors. For more than a decade, National Beef has led the market in delivering branded programs, including products such as Black Canyon Premium Reserve, Certified Premium Beef, Black Canyon Angus Beef, NatureSource™ Natural Angus Beef, Naturewell™ Natural Beef, Certified Angus Beef and Certified Hereford Beef. It has a well-deserved international reputation for quality and reliability.
National Beef also owns National Carriers, a refrigerated trucking operation.
At Poky, we market approximately 95% on the grid. We feel we have one of the best grids that gives our customers the best opportunity to get full value for their finished product. If you have high quality cattle, the grid will reward you.
Some of the National Beef brands

Black Canyon
Angus Beef

Premium Beef

Natural Angus Beef

Natural Beef

Angus Beef

Hereford Beef