Risk Management

Several years ago, Poky Feeders made the decision to hire an in-house risk manager. We feel it’s important to provide this service to our customers, as risk management is a very important factor to ensure a profitable investment. As markets become more volatile, risk management becomes imperative. When you use Poky’s risk management service, Poky covers the margin calls, freeing up your capital for other uses.

Brent Manwarren leads Poky’s risk management service which is available to all customers at their discretion. Upon request, we provide a breakeven projection, projected out-date and a projected out-weight for each group of cattle. Our tools provide a real-time estimate of your cattle feeding portfolio and are updated tick by tick as markets trade. Such information is critical for our customers to manage price risk in these markets. While Poky can hedge the cattle for customers, each customer is responsible for their hedge decisions.

For more information on risk management, contact us.

Brent Manwarren
Risk Manager